Company 3EC International a.s., as a recipient of Non-refundable financial contribution for the Operational Programme Bratislava Region financed by the European Regional Development Fund hereby, in accordance with Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information and amending certain laws, as amended, publishes the Work contract with the successful candidate procurement for implementation of the project "Modern ICT for effective development 3EC International a.s.".
Disclosure of the Work contract with the successful candidate procurement
- Socially Responsible Company 3EC International 20. 08. 2024
- Conditions for extension of the transition period of EC certificates related to the “legacy devices” 28. 03. 2023
- Award for an extraordinary contribution to the development of quality 14. 12. 2022
- Application of IVDR requirements in place of the corresponding requirements of the Directive according to Art. 110 sec. 3 IVDR 06. 10. 2022
- 3EC International a.s. designated and notified according to the IVDR 03. 05. 2022
- Socially Responsible Company 3EC International a.s. 05. 10. 2021
- Application of MDR requirements in place of the corresponding requirements of the Directives according to Art. 120 sec. 3 MDR 01. 06. 2021
- Information about 3EC International trade name misuse 11. 05. 2021
- Socially Responsible Company 3EC International a.s. 25. 11. 2020
- 3EC International a.s. designated and notified according to the MDR 17. 09. 2020